A Solution the Cyprus Problem, via the Internet. Revision 2.12


The Terms Greek and Turkish Cypriot will no longer be used to refer to Cyprus Citizens.

There Will be Only One Citizenship.

Those who were Citizens before the invasion will keep their Cyprus citizenship.

Those already Citizens of the Republic of Cyprus will keep their Cyprus citizenship.

Only those who's Mother and Father, or both sets of Grandparents were born in Cyprus before the invasion, or who's forebears were all Cyprus Citizens or were eligible for Cyprus citizenship before the invasion and can be deemed as qualifying, or that have a Legitimate reason for asylum, will be considered for citizenship.

All people without citizenship, wishing to be considered for Citizenship of Cyprus, that meet the criteria, must Swear and Sign an Oath of Loyalty and Allegiance to the Cyprus Flag and the Republic. Those who do not swear or sign the Oath will not qualify for Cypriot Citizenship.

Illegally Implanted Turkish Colonists and their descendants that do not meet the above requirements will not have the right to Cyprus Citizenship and will be immediately repatriated to Turkey.

Only those who are awarded citizenship will be given the right to vote in Parliamentary Elections and Referenda. Only Cyprus Citizens and EU Citizens, if Cyprus is already an EU member, will be allowed to vote in Municipal elections and be allowed welfare benefits.


All foreign forces on the Island of Cyprus must be removed from the Island. Foreign forces will include British, Turkish and Greek forces.

The foreign forces will be replaced by International Peace Making Forces which must not consist in any part or whole of British, Turkish or Greek forces. The Peace Making Forces will be under independent control. Britain, Turkey and Greece will not be allowed to affect the control of the Forces and neither will America because of its role in supporting the Fascist Junta in Greece and bringing about the coup against the President of Cyprus.

The Peace Making Forces will be accountable to the recognized Government of Cyprus and the United Nations. The government of Cyprus will be allowed its own army to consist of all Cypriots.

The Peace Making Forces and the Cyprus Army will Guarantee the Sovereignty, Independence, Unity and Territorial Integrity of The Entire Island of Cyprus.


The United Nations Charter, The Charter of the European Union, will become part of the New Constitution of Cyprus as is a Prerequisite with membership of these organizations as well as the European Convention on Humans Rights.

The 1960 Constitution including the treaty of Guarantee, which both violate Chapter I Article 2 Paragraph 4 of the UN Charter, "All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations", will be negated and declared invalid.

There will be no change to the pre 1974 zones, districts and bounderies in Cyprus until Turkey has made Reparations to the Republic of Cyprus and to the Refugees to the full satisfaction of all parties, and payment of these reparations has been completed. Cyprus will therefore be administered by One Unified Government until that time, and this will be written into the constitution.


All the Refugees and their Heirs and Descendants, who have been displaced from or denied access to their legitimate homes, land or properties in Cyprus, must be allowed and facilitated to return to and reclaim the afore mentioned homes, land and properties, in freedom, in peace and security.

In the case where the homes, land and properties of a displaced person, or that persons descendants or heirs, is being inhabited by another who was not the legal owner before the 20th July 1974, the inhabitant must vacate the homes, land and properties and be temporarily housed in a transition centre.

All alterations and new structures built since the Occupation will be the property of the original pre-invasion landowner or their heirs and descendants. If the structures or alterations are detrimental to the properties value or are deemed unsafe or cause the property to be uninhabitable, or the property has been destroyed, the original pre-invasion landowner will be compensated for the restoration and/or re-building costs plus any other losses incurred if anything of value has suffered.

The present occupants will be compensated for the value of the new alterations or structures which they built, and the cost in relocating by the Government of Turkey in the case of a property located the north and by the Government of the Republic of Cyprus in the case of a property located in the south. The original legal owners of the property will be compensated for the cost of restoration by the Government of Turkey in the case of a property located the north and by Government of the Republic of Cyprus in the case of a property located in the south.

Each Government will decide what compensation is appropriate for their side.


The return of occupied homes, land, properties and business premises will be phased in village by village over a fixed period.

All illegal settlers and illegal immigrants and their descendants will be repatriated.

All parties will afterwards have the right to appeal to the Europeans Courts for further reparations.


Elections will take place among all persons of Cypriot Citizenship as soon as everyone's citizenship has been decided.

The electors will elect a provisional Parliament which will Govern the Entire Territory of the Island. The political composition of the Provisional Parliament will be in proportion with the ratio of votes per political party standing. The electoral System to be used will be outlined bellow and will be a variant of List System.

Each Political Party will put forward the same number of candidates, equal to the total number of seats in the parliament. The Members of each party will choose the candidates themselves. The Candidates for each party will stand as a block, that is one legal mark on the ballot paper for the party will be a vote for all of the candidates and their party. When the votes are counted, each party will be given a number of seats in proportion to their share of the vote. The parties may then choose which of their list of candidates takes up each allocated seat.

A Speaker will be elected by the members of parliament, using Simple Majority Voting. The party or parties which has a simple majority or a simple working majority will form the Government. The Provisional Government will be able to choose any of the MP's sitting in the parliament to act as ministers. All further Government and Parliamentary decisions will be taken by Simple Majority Voting.

The Provisional Government will begin a process of consultation in view to creating a new constitution. Once decided by parliament, the New Constitution will be put to a democratic referendum. If passed by a qualified majority of 2/3 (two thirds) the Constitution will immediately come into effect. If not passed new consultations will take place and the process will be repeated.

New Elections on the basis referred to above will take place every Four Years unless An Agreed and Implemented Constitution says otherwise.


Until a new constitution is agreed all land and district boundaries will be as they were before 20th July 1974. All village Municipalities (Councils), will be elected by additional member proportional representation. Municipalities will be governed by Simple Majority Vote.


The Legal System will comply with European Court of Justice legislation. Trials will take place in-front of Judges appointed by the Government, or Magistrates appointed by the Municipalities as appropriate. Judges and Magistrates will be elected by each individual Municipality. Each municipality will elect one Judge and twelve Magistrates by simple majority. All of the islands elected Judges will be put on a list and the Judges for a particular case will be selected by the Government from the list in accordance to their competency. The Magistrates for a particular case will be selected by each Municipality. All Plaintiffs will have the Right of Appeal to the European Court of Justice. These conditions will apply until a new Constitution is Agreed.


Education will be the responsibility of each Municipality. The Official Languages in the Schools will be the Official Languages of the European Union. All School Children throughout Cyprus will be thought in one common language. Each Student may elect to be thought one other European Union Language by right.

These conditions will apply until a new Constitution is Agreed.

Current Draft

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